Probabilistic Machine learning For mechanics
Lecture notes
Introduction to the course [lecture notes][lecture video]
Review of Bayesian Statistics - Part 1 [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Review of Bayesian Statistics (conclusion) and Bayesian inference [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Bayesian inference, MLE, MAP, Posterior Predictive [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Prior modeling, Conjugate Prior, Exponential Family [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Non-information Prior, Hierarchical Bayes, Empirical Bayes [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
EB (Example) and Bayesian linear regression - Part 1 [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Bayesian linear regression - Part 2 [Lecture Notes][Lecture video]
Bayesian linear regression - Part 3 [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Bayesian inference using sampling methods - Part 1 [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Bayesian inference using sampling methods - Part 2 [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Bayesian inference using sampling methods - Part 3 [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Bayesian inference using sampling methods - Part 4 [Lecture Notes][lecture video]
Bayesian inference using sampling methods - Part 5
Bayesian inference using sampling methods - Part 6
Approximate methods for Bayesian inference - Part 1
Approximate methods for Bayesian inference - Part 2
Gaussian process - Part 1
Gaussian process - Part 2
Sparse Gaussian Process - Part 1
Sparse Gaussian Process - Part 2
Factor analysis, Probabilistic PCA, Duel Probabilistic PCA, and GP-LVM
Deep Gaussian Process
Invertible neural network - Part 1
Invertible neural network - Part 2
Diffusion Model - Part 1
Diffusion Model - Part 2
Review of the course and way Ahead
Introduction to Statistical Computing and Probability and Statistics
Likelihood, Prior, Posterior, Posterior predictive distribution, Plug-in Approximation
Bayesian linear regression
Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods, Sampling from Discrete and Continuum Distributions, Reverse Sampling
Importance sampling, Gibbs sampling, MCMC, Metropolis Hasting algorithm
Variational approach and approximate inference
Sparse linear regression
Gaussian process
Latent variable model, probabilistic PCA, GP-LVM
Some advanced topics in probabilistic ML: Flow-based model, Diffusion model
Lecture notes and references will be provided on the course web site. The following books are recommended:
Bishop, C.M. Pattern recognition and Machine learning, Springer, 2007.
Murphy, K.P. “Machine learning: A Probabilistic Perspective”, MIT press, 2022.
Rasmussen, Carl Edward. Gaussian processes in machine learning, In Summer school on machine learning, pp. 63-71. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003
Homework-1: Bayesian linear regression, Sampling method [homework]
Homework-2: Gaussian Process, Approximate methods for Bayesian inference [homework]
Homework-3: Gaussian Process - advanced [homework]
Homework 4: Unsupervised learning and generative modeling [homework]
Practical-0: Introduction to statistical computing [QP][solution template][solution]
Practical-1: Priors, Bayesian linear regression [QP]
Practical-2: Sampling method in Bayesian linear regression [QP]
Practical-3: Approximate inference in Bayesian linear regression [QP]
Practical-4: Equation discovery using ML [QP]
Each student will have to complete a term project as part of this course
Course info
Credit: 4 Units (3-0-2)
Timing: Lecture - Monday and Thursday (9:30 am - 11:00 am), Practical - Wednesday (3:00 pm - 5:00 pm)
Venue: LH513 (lecture), IV-LT2 (Practical)
Instructor: Dr. Souvik Chakraborty
Teaching Assistants: Tapas Tripura, Sawan Kumar, Subhankar Sarkar
Course Objective: In this course, the students will be introduced to the fundamentals of probabilistic machine learning and its application in computational mechanics. Students are expected to learn different probabilistic machine learning algorithms and applications in solving mechanics problems The course will emphasize on the mathematical learning of these concepts along with applications. The course is particularly designed for PG, Ph.D., and senior UG students.
Intended audience: Senior UG, PG, and Ph.D. students